About Us
About Us
We are web developers in training for an RNCP 5 title.
This project is carried out in collaboration by:

Thomas Spinec
Développeur web

Nadia Hazem
Développeuse web

Jeremy Nowak
Développeur web
Our mission
The purpose of this project is to validate REAC Competencies.
Targeted skills
- Project / application modeling
- MCD/MLD database design
- Object Oriented Programming: Using Classes
- Detail a user journey on a “business” functionality of your site (purchase action, etc.)
- Structuring a project and thinking about its architecture
- Go asynchronous with JS
- Pitching a project: oral expression / creation of presentation slides
REAC competence validated
Mock up an app
- Realize a static and adaptable web user interface
- Develop a dynamic web user interface
- Develop a user interface with a content management solution or ecommerce
- Create a database
- Develop data access components
- Develop the back-end part of a web or mobile web application
- Develop and implement components in a data management application content or e-commerce
- Attractive home page with several sections including a highlighting of featured products on the homepage / latest products uploaded
- Contemporary design and respecting the graphic charter of the business
- Responsive design
- Product search bar with javascript autocompletion asynchronous
- Access to the shop presenting all the products with the possibility of filtering them by category / subcategories without page reload
- On click on each product: a complete “detail” page generated dynamically (name, image, price, description, add to cart button...)
- A user account creation system
- Registration / Login Module (Using Javascript and Asynchronous mandatory in this part)
- Registration / Login Module (Using Javascript and Asynchronous mandatory in this part)
- User profile management page (Summary and possibility of modify their information, view their purchase history, view their basket...)
- Administrator dashboard space:
- Product management using back office, Add / Delete / Changes to products, stocks, etc.
- Management of product categories and subcategories (Add / Deletion / Modifications...)
- Basket validation system (a simulation of the process only)
- Comments/User Reviews system with moderation at the Admin level.
- Product inventory management
- Promotion management

and feel free to comment our work here